Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where are the leaders we could respect?

We are witnessing a complete change in the makeup of present day elected officials. They have departed from a role as leaders to one of simple followers.

Gone are the days when they gained respect for their foresight and vision. Now we are left with puppets obeying orders from large donors, corporate henchmen and fanatics with religious leanings.
Gone are the days when our leaders could make a decision without first getting permission from the forces outside of the structure of the legislative circle.

The Citizens United ruling has devastated the political makeup of this nation and has opened the floodgates to influence-peddling and corruption.

It has allowed those with the means to tip the scales in their favor to interfere with the democratic process. In order to maintain the balance of power we have to focus every effort on removing this corporate-purchased ruling by the Supreme Court.

We have proof that at least two of the members of the Supreme Court were invited to attend seminars paid for by corporate money. They are still sitting justices, even though their conduct is unethical.

Many members of state and federal legislatures belong to one of the largest corporate lobbying groups that suggest legislation be brought to the floor for passage. These same legislators show no shame in the fact that they are allowing themselves to represent not those who voted them into office but a select group who are thinking of their bottom line.

We are in need of serious legislation to prevent influence-peddling by corporations and the wealthy. Where do we draw the line and begin to take back the governance from those seeking to use their wealth to gain control of this nation?

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