Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Man by nature is.........

Man has changed little since his inception on this earth. He is a beast of greed, and may never change. He has always desired that which he doesn’t have .... land, power, riches and the fairer of the sexes.

Man by nature is not one to be content unless he can process at least two or more of those things. His baser instinct drives him in his conquest. One has to only look at history to observe this ...... Alexander, Genghis Khan and Hitler to name a few, but there were many more over the ages.

Man has chosen many ways to go about obtaining his desires. He has used war, hate, religion, and his perceived superiority over other men to obtain his goals. Even before history was recorded this was how man lived. He has others put to death, or put into slavery, to satisfy his lusts for fulfillment. He has stolen the property of others in the name of religion or used fear and hate. Nothing is out of bounds in his desire to have what he feels is rightfully his.

You would think that man, after all this time, would have evolved past this stage, but it isn’t to be. Man still uses the same war, hate, superiority and religion to drive his agendas today. Look at what is taking place within our own borders. We are seeing the same type of behavior that has ruled from the time of early man. They desire what others have and will use any means to come by it. ...... even to killing masses of other men, woman, and children.

This isn’t limited to third world countries, but takes place within other borders as well. The means they use here may be a little less obvious but the goal is the same ....... to create a society of lower class people ........ a mass of slave labor to feed their feelings of superiority ...... to create a society of higher moral beings by imposing a singular religion by denying all others and denying the same basic rights to all Americans. No. Man has not evolved very much, nor has he learned the true meaning of religion which is to love all men as you love yourself.

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