Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Freedom cannot be selective.

While the racist right wing has shed their robes and exchanged them for suits and dress shirts, and casual paramilitary uniforms they are unable to mask the hatred that extrudes from very cells of their bodies. It surrounds them in a foul scent that can’t be removed or covered up.

One has to only look into their eyes or see it written on their faces to tell the extent of the rot that has taken place. Watch Mr. Gingrich’s or Mr. Santorum’s eyes when they speak of people of color. In Gingrich’s you can see he is thinking the “N” word by how he squints his eyes and curls his lips. Santorum is a little less evident, but it comes across in his speech….. BLAH people?

Ron Paul has his distain under better control, but his problem is from his past associations and actions. He has tried to distance himself, but that stench has a long life and may follow him until after he is gone.

Many claim they are not racist, but actions talk louder than words and it isn’t limited today to race, but has been extended to class and political affiliation.

Those who serve the public are some of the biggest violators. Would you expect a black legislator to publicly tell Americans that he wants them to leave this country? Considering the fact that when he was a kid his parents as well as himself had to deal with the same comments growing up because of their race.

The death of family pets on the left has occurred. Bullying of gays or the beating to deaths of some seem to be accepted by the right. We have seen a rise in the horrific deaths of blacks and gays ....... whether it has been by dragging them behind a truck, or just driving over them for sport.

I have yet to hear any church or political candidate on the right speak out against the violence.

The right wing talk radio defends the young people who advocate killing gays as free speech but condemn those who speak out against the corporations. News flash - you can’t have it both ways. Freedom cannot be selective. Either all have it or none, including the media.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

90 DEGREES TO THE LEFT: The Left Must Unite or We Will Lose our Country

90 DEGREES TO THE LEFT: The Left Must Unite or We Will Lose our Country: I keep hearing that Obama must start working for "WE the people" and how he hasn't done all he has promised, believe me, I have b...

To the moon Newt, to the moon.

We have heard from the idea man, Mr. Gingrich, that he is a man of great vision. He has made the statement that before his second term there would be an American moon base. Now that really takes a man of vision, since he has yet to even be nominated.

What would we do with this mega trillion dollar high tech base? Make the moon our 51st state as Mr. Gingrich has stated we should? Maybe he wants to "drill baby drill" for oil. Oh wait ........... there could be no oil there. Hmmmm ....... we could corner the market on moon rocks or moon pies.

We could send those kids who have no work skills there. You know ...... those poor kids who take and take from the rest of us. Send them there along with their useless parents, as a sort of Republican final solution. You know ....... like the Nazis had in mind for the Jews, but this would be on a much larger scale. At the rate the Republican Party is increasing the rate of poverty in this nation alone, it would take centuries to ship the poor to the moon.

Perhaps Mr. Gingrich knows the truth ...... that the corporate agenda will lay waste to the earth, and that this moon base is for the wealthy to make their escape to once the earth is no longer habitable. I am almost afraid to publish this, fearful they might come and put me in a straight jacket. And I don’t even have the media central stage that Gingrich has. How has he managed to avoid those men in white coats?

Of course NASA is making advancements. With the deficit, however, where is Mr. Gingrich suggesting we find the funding? Also, wouldn’t it be against his demands for a smaller government?

Consider the cost to be at $450 million for one mission, at the max cargo capacity of 55,250 pounds per trip. The cost of a launch is approximately $10,000 per pound ($22,000 per kg). How long (and how many trips) would it take to get enough material to house 13,000 people? Then how much to continue a flow of supplies to maintain the colony?

One has to wonder ........ should we be thinking about whether Mr. Gingrich is stable enough to hold the office of President ........... or should we be thinking about putting him on some strong medications?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

GOP Response to the SOTU address... What a joke!

Last night as I watched the State of the Union, I felt proud to be a Democrat. I felt proud to have a President that is such a great speaker and that in an election year, is not afraid to ruffle a few feathers.

Obama touched almost every subject that is on everyone’s minds. From a great opening where he touched our hearts as we witnessed the warmth in his embrace to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, to the recognition he expressed towards our men and women serving this country in the military.

Nothing that Obama said in the SOTU was outrageous. But today we are hearing the expected comments from the Right. Today, I read an article from Los Angeles Times “'Republicans blast Obama for ‘efforts to divide us’” that summarizes what the GOP thought of Obama’s speech. What caught my attention is the ridiculous assertion that Obama is constantly trying to divide us. Really? These people must have a different concept of what dividing means, because for the last 3 years that’s all they’ve done, not Obama. If anything, Obama’s base has been upset because he has tried so hard, and in their opinion, he has conceded too much to the Right in order to get things done, and they say Obama is a divider? 

Mitch Daniels, the Governor of Indiana, resents what according to him Obama insinuated, if we are to believe Gov. Daniels, Obama said that this nation is a nation of ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’, I did not hear anything at all that resembled that statement, but Gov. Daniels said the opposite and answered to his imaginary assumption with “this nation must always be a nation of ‘haves’ and ‘soon to haves’”… that must be a damn joke! For the last 10 years, this nation has become a nation of haves and have nothing, the dream of ‘soon to have’ it’s slowly vanishing and will soon disappear if a Republican wins the elections. For the last 10 years all it has matter for every Republican in Congress is the financial health of the corporations and multimillionaires that keep them where they are, not the working class. The working class is nothing more than the instrument that lines with money the pockets of these Corporations (people now) and multimillionaires; it is true that the tax cuts they have managed to give these corporations create jobs, theirs and trickle down economics – to their bank accounts, not to the working class. So far, in 10 years of these tax cuts, jobs have been decreasing not increasing. If that was true, we would have a 0% unemployment rate, what’s more, we should have to bring people from other countries to fill the vacancies, lies! Nothing could be further from the truth! For Gov. Daniels to even make mention that Obama is ‘pro-poverty’ it’s an insult coming from a party that has blocked every effort this administration has proposed to promote or create new jobs. For Gov. Daniels to be either so delusional or such a great lair as to claim that the GOP is the only hope to “restore America in an upward mobility and equality” it’s in and by itself laughable. When has this country seen any equality or upward mobility during a Republican administration in at least the last 30 years?

Obama knew the Republicans were going to call him a ‘class warrior’. Anyone daring to touch the super wealthy of this country is accused of dividing this country by class or of being a socialist or worse yet, a communist. It is so ludicrous to claim that by Obama not wanting for the margin between the very wealthy and the middle class to be as abysmal as it is now he is dividing the nation, that it would be as ridiculous for someone to claim that is terrible to want to close the gap between an “A” grade student and a “D” grade student. But that’s the GOP for you… Illogical, arrogant and indifferent to the needs of the working class!

Then, we had to hear from the candidates. Mitt Romney used the same rhetoric that the far right uses time and time again and that their stupid followers believe: that Obama wants more taxes, more spending and more regulations, but of course, he doesn’t stop and clarify that the ‘more taxes’ are for the wealthy, not the working class; that the ‘more spending’ is to create jobs and that the ‘more regulations’ is to keep an eye on previous corporate offenders, like the ones that have contaminated our environment; the ones that made thousands of people lose their homes and the ones that brought this nation to the brink of a second depression. No, Mitt Romney conveniently left the explanation out, allowing his followers to think that the taxes he was referring to were the taxes of the working class, the more spending was to fill the pockets of the rich and the ‘regulations’ was to increase the size of government.

Next we have the worse offender, sorry, candidate of them all: Newt Gingrich. I have no idea how he dares to criticize anyone, with a record such as his. For this pig (I can’t call him anything else and I must apologize to the pigs) to claim that Obama is a radical and out of touch with America is offensive. A guy that has no moral values, who was asked to resign from congress and from his position as Speaker of the House for basically stealing and fraudulently issuing checks with no funds; a guy that is the only member of Congress and the only Speaker of the House, in the history of this nation, that had to pay a fine of $300,000 a guy who goes to Tiffany as we go to Walmart, to claim that he is in touch with America but not Obama, is laughable. Certainly the America I live in is not the America Gingrich lives in.

The only one that said the truth, up to a point, was Rick Santorum. He said “Over the last three years, he has made it clear that his values are not our values” – and that is so very true!  Obama values his wife, his children, and his family. Obama values the American Dream. Obama values the right to love whoever you chose to love. Obama values the health of this country. Obama values the environment. Obama values the working class. So yes, Rick Santorum was right, Obama’s values are NOT, in any type, shape or form those of the Right, and for that I thank Obama.

That leaves us with Ron Paul. His response was nothing but a long list of complains, not one serious response to any of the points made by Obama in the State of the Union address. We all know that Ron Paul wants to return to the pre-Civil Rights Act era, we all know that he wants the country to run by itself, with little or no government – probably only two people in government if he wins: he, the ‘king’ and his prince, Rand Paul. We would all be so stoned that will not care what is happening around us, probably why he supports making drugs legal. We would return to the Wild, Wild West. All joke aside, his response was just a litany of his usual complains, nothing at all related to what Obama said and of course, he closed his so-called response with the a new complain, the “TSA treatment of his son, Rand Paul”… You know what? I must thank the TSA, if I have to endure getting screened, touched and x-rayed; whom does Rand Paul think he is to be treated differently? I’m telling you, Ron and Rand Paul think they are above the law.

All in all, the response from the GOP was what we all expected. A complete and utterly denial of accepting any responsibility for the state in which this country finds itself, a self-evident negative attitude, a perennial effort to obstruct any help this country needs to move forward, to help the working class to get the jobs that will help them fulfill the American dream; for Republicans the only people that matter, the only people that can have an ‘American dream’ are wealthy people and we, the working ants, should be grateful for the crumbs they let us get.

Wake up America! Remember what got us to where we are today. Obama is good, but he can’t undo what took 8 years to accomplish; Obama can’t perform miracles it is up to all of us, we the people, must work together, roll up our sleeves and help him shape our own future.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where are our leaders?

At one time those who ran this nation were held in high regard. They were looked on as leaders. People looked to them to make the difficult decisions because they knew they were fair whether we liked them or not.

We understood they made their decisions for the betterment of all the people. Today the laws are not created or passed in the halls of the state and federal capitals, but in the corporate board rooms or closed door meeting rooms in some resort. Those attending are not the citizens who are going to be affected by the laws. Those who stand to benefit and make a profit are the only ones allowed in.

This is in effect has blocked and denied the American public from participating in the governance of this nation. For your politicians to use these methods to create the nation's laws show they are unethical and corrupt.

How do the people retake the control of this country without another revolution? Can they stay peaceful when faced with armed thugs paid for by corporate interests?

It has been shown that the corporations are not going to share the power or sacrifices that the middle class face. Why should they? They control the government, the police and the military, and will not be satisfied until they have total control over the last man.

The US and state governments are in the hands of the wealthy. Just check the financial records. Ever see any from the middle class? These men and women are not the true leaders of our country because they worship the dollar sign. They will follow the one who promises them the most profit and are willing to buy their favors.

The leading contenders for President have no moral fiber. They flip on the issues directed by who is in the audience that day. This has become known as pandering for the vote by targeting ...... telling the people what you think will get you the most attention. This isn’t leading. It is acting, and their Oscar is the office they are running for.

The American public, raised glued to the tube from an early age, are tuned to react to that type of stimuli ...... one which fits their narrow-minded concept of the perfect world. They are the boobs for which the tube received its name. It is impossible to inform people who do not wish to be informed.

In today's information age, the make-up of various front groups is done for them and they make a choice to remain ignorant.

There are places like   http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=SourceWatch   http://www.prwatch.org http://www.alecexposed.org/wiki/ALEC_Exposed

There is a Facebook page where they will do the research on groups you request at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Deceptive-Front-Groups/140525269346842 . There are even sites where they will teach you to do the research yourself. One only has to look.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Only the real facts.

Why is the truth in today's political and journalism scene such a foreign concept? You witness ads that blatantly mislead the public. One has only to watch the Wisconsin Governor in one of his TV ads to see this.

Do these people forget we are living in the information age where one has only to type in a few words to get the latest news? News not only from this country but from many sources outside the nation .......... all this from a simple search.

Those in politics bank on their fans and followers wearing blinders and are not willing to see the other point of view ....... in other words being uninformed. It is easy to misguide one's fans if they are ignorant and unwilling to become educated. One has only to look at those who strap on a case of explosives or drive a truck into a crowd and detonate it to witness how easy it is.

In this age of instant information why is it so many choose to remain un-enlightened? Could it be they are not unable to read? ........ or perhaps they cannot comprehend what is being said?

I see it as they are, and have always been, followers. They are the type who, unless directed, would simply walk off the cliff to their death. It is easier to lead the uneducated and witless than to lead an informed and thinking public.

This may have been the reason some media sources, like the Fox network, fought so hard to be allowed to publish lies as factual news. We have radio jocks with shows that spew half-truths and outright lies to the American public with no fear of sanctions.

We need to demand that only the truth be allowed to be published, not the truth as seen through the eyes of the basis, but the real facts. We need real punishments to force compliance. Just as we need truth in advertising we need truth in the media as well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our President Rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline!

Today, January 18th, amidst the blackout of many information pages, our president announced the rejection by his Administration of the Keystone XL pipeline project. Those of us that protested, signed petitions and mobilized to stop this environment assault to our country are justifiably rejoicing, at least momentarily, from this good news.
The President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, announced in not uncertain ways, the rejection of this project and clearly stated the reason for his decision:
I have determined, based upon your recommendation,” [the Secretary of State] “including the State Department’s view that 60 days is an insufficient period to obtain and assess the necessary information, that the Keystone XL pipeline project, as presented and analyzed at this time, would not serve the national interest.
I am so proud of our President for listening to us in this so very important cause! This project, regardless of what Republicans and the oil industry have to say, represents a clear and imminent danger to our wildlife, water supply, our land and our environment.
In the official Statement from The White House also released today, the President said, “I’m disappointed that Republicans in Congress forced this decision, but it does not change my Administration’s commitment to American-made energy that creates jobs and reduces our dependence on oil” – so far so good. Bravo Mr. President!
My enthusiasm took a turn downwards when in that same statement, Obama makes clear that he is for other similar and equally dangerous ventures, when he said: “ – including the potential development of an oil pipeline from Cushing, Oklahoma to the Gulf of Mexico”; even though the aforementioned pipeline will cause less damage than the Keystone XL pipeline, it will still represent a danger to our environment.
As it was expected, the Republicans are raising hell over this rejection by the President. The rhetoric that this pipeline will create much needed jobs, which up to a point and not in the numbers they claim it could be true, the claim that it will reduce in any way our dependence in foreign oil is ludicrous. To begin with, this dirty oil is not ours it belongs to Canada and once it’s refined in Texas, it will leave our shores to be sold somewhere else, the taxes of this sale will be abroad so this nation will not receive a penny from it, as usual, and the citizens of this country will not save a penny at the pump – the financial benefits will only be seen by TransCanada and their allies, the oil magnates that have never looked out for our benefits or that of our nature. One needs only to see what their greed had done in the past to our shores to recognize that all that moves these companies is the profit they can obtain with complete disregard to the environment.
According to Steve Hargreaves from CNN Money, the President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Thomas Donohue, said in reference to the President’s decision of rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline project that “The president’s decision sends a strong message to the business community and to investors: keep your money on the sidelines, America is not open for business.” I find this statement offensive. Our nation has been ripped, raped, abused, neglected and usurped by corporations for decades. Foreign companies have been allowed to merciless annihilate our manufacturing industries by allowing them to import their cheap junk to our land, by exporting jobs (that’s the only thing they export), by avoiding fiscal responsibility which has rendered this nation almost bankrupt and as of lately, the greatest insult for the citizens of this country, the Supreme Court even have granted these companies the status of ‘personhood’, something never done anywhere else in this world… but rejecting ONE project is sending a message that “America is not open for business”? Really? Maybe that could be the best thing that will happen to this country, that these ‘people’ leave and we can return to being an industrialized nation instead of a consuming nation which only purpose is to line with our blood and sweat the pockets of these greedy corporations, sorry, “people.”
To read the complete CNN article, click here
To read the complete Memorandum for the Secretary of State, click hereTo read the complete Statement by the President on the Keystone XL Pipeline, click here

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I had a dream

by Independent Thinker 
Today marks the birthday of whom, in my opinion, has been one of the greatest figures of my time. A man that against all odds, and in a peaceful but strong manner, shaped the future of this great nation: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dr. King grew up at a time where being black was considered by the white majority as a stigma, where blacks were ‘second class’ citizens, where in the South atrocities where committed against blacks and the perpetrators went unpunished. Yet, Dr. King had the integrity, the courage, and the dignity to stand up and raise his powerful voice nonviolently, peacefully but effectively. He was able to stir the conscience and change the views of many white Americans that joined the Civil Rights Movement.
Dr. King never endorsed a political party, but he admitted he always voted Democrat even when he felt that both parties had historically betrayed blacks in this country. Today, many of the new Republicans claim that Dr. King was a republican; one has to wonder where these people get their information. 
Throughout Dr. King’s life, he encountered many attacks obviously from people that were afraid of his presence, the truthfulness of his messages, the force he represented and the change he was making. Dr. King endured bombings to his home; a stabbing and numerous arrests, but he maintained his position against violence until the last attack he endured, which cost him his life. 
Our government, who kept a close eye on him and wiretapped his home and phones, also attacked Dr. King; who in 1967 was confronted by the FBI that tried to intimidate him by accusing him of adultery, I guess they resorted to blackmail in the absence of anything else – the right has always tried to mix personal life with political life – in an effort to force him to terminate his involvement with the Civil Rights Movement, of course, Dr. King’s integrity could not be bought much less negotiated. Soon after, Dr. King received the Nobel Peace Prize. 
It is questionable the involvement that some government agencies might have had in the assassination of Dr. King – many have doubts about this – in that fateful evening in April 4, 1968, while Dr. King was in Memphis, Tennessee the area was surrounded by FBI Agents, all armed and watching Dr. King. However, the assumed perpetrator of this crime, James Earl Ray, was caught and sentenced and spent the rest of his life in prison. 
The legacy Dr. King left to future generations is irrefutable. It is because of him and the brave men and women that marched with him in the 60s, that made it possible for a black man to be President of the United States of America. It explains why our President has such a calm and collected attitude even when being relentlessly attacked by the Far Right; one must understand the history of the black people of the United States what they have gone through, to comprehend that Mr. Obama has as a model a great man that emulated peace in the face of hostility, intellect against ignorance and integrity against dishonesty. Mr. Obama can’t and should not be any other way.
Dr. King had a dream and Mr. Obama is the culmination of that dream!
To listen to this wonderful speech, click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb3VQ4BZHLI&t=6s

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The left must unite or we will lose our country!

© copyright
I keep hearing that Obama must start working for "WE the people" and how he hasn't done all he has promised, believe me, I have been one of those too... until I stopped and analyzed the situation he finds himself in.  First, and this is important, he is the President of the United States of America, he is not the President of the United Democrats of America or the President of the Liberals of America, or whatever party you may choose to insert in substitution for a political ideology.  Yes, it was us who put him there but, he said it clearly during his campaign and we must admit it, we loved it when he said it:  "Now even as e speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters, the negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes.  Well I say to them tonight, there is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America.  There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America - there's the United States of America." - I remember wanting to cry when I heard him say this.  Now, 3 years later, we criticize him for listening to all sides.
Then, there has to be a super majority of votes to pass anything through Congress and the Republican's, whose #1 objective, openly admitted, is for Obama to  be a one term president and in order to achieve their goals, they vote NAY on everything that might be beneficial to this country and therefore, for Obama.  And we blame Obama.  We blame Obama because we want him to break the rules to do what we want - and need too, don't get me wrong - but according to the rules of Congress, he can't.
And now, how are we reacting?  By splitting the liberals and democrats, as if we will gain something by it.  If we keep doing this, we will have no one to blame but ourselves when a Newt, Romney, Paul or any other nut in the GOP walks into the Oval office and take charge of this country, taking it back to before the '60s.  I know a lot of you will blame Obama, it is always easier to blame someone else for our own demise.  I hear people saying that they will either not vote or vote for a 'green' candidate or anyone else, even if that candidate has no chance in winning; the results?  We're split, but not the far right.  Way to go!!  We might as well place the White House on a silver platter and hand it to the next son of a bitch from the GOP that will make our lives a living hell.  You think we have it bad now?  Allow this to happen and you will really learn what hell is all about!

(the picture depicted in this article has been copyrighted and is the property of this author - not for distribution unless authorized)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Religious hatred

Are we ready to be dragged back two hundred and fifty years ...... a time when even the right to vote, hold office, or own property was ruled by whether you belonged to the state church or not.

That is what the religious right is proposing. They wish to force their beliefs onto every American citizen. They want to rewrite the Constitution in their own narrow-minded concept of creating a Christian Sharia law where gays can be put to death and women are less than equal and cannot be allowed to make a decision on their own.

They have become so misguided in their beliefs that they no longer hold with the teachings of Jesus but follow the merchants of profit instead. They sell out for a few pieces of silver just like Judas.

It is sad that those who profess to be Christians have turned from the real meaning of Christianity to follow hollow and soulless false prophets who use the word of God to make gold. Do those men then use the gold to better the lives of the needy? No ..... they horde and covet that gold for themselves. Their lives are filled with luxury while they condemn those less prosperous or of another faith or culture.

It had always been my understanding that churches were considered non-profit organization. Today, however, they have become huge money hoarders ....... from the Vatican to the mega TV evangelist Churches. Wasn’t it Jesus who destroyed the markets because of their greed and corruption?

Thousands of years later the same type of con men are once again busy fleecing their followers. Why are there so many gullible people in the world? Have they lost all ability to reason? Is it just that they are lazy and prefer others to do their thinking for them?

Soon this nation will be a country with as much religious hatred and extremism as is seen in many Middle Eastern nations. You say it can’t happen? Pay close attention to the demands they are placing on the government by such demands as declaring that gays have less than the same rights they enjoy. Does that sound like the America where all men are created equal?

How about denying a woman the right to save her own life in the event her pregnancy goes wrong ...... or what if she miscarries? She could conceivably face criminal charges.

Race is also becoming an major issue and is becoming a topic of conversation more every day. No wonder people have chosen to depart from today's religious teachings, which have become as radical as the Muslim extremists in their practice of Jihad. We can still exist together, but not if the religious radicals have their way.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

What has the Republican Party offered us this year?

Where are the candidates who will address the real issues confronting the nation? Is there even one who can speak with knowledge about the very real problems facing the American public? What we are seeing is the same old talking points and finger pointing with no real facts to back them up.

We have heard from some of the presidential candidates that the reason for the economic crisis is because God wants to punish us because some of us are gay. We've also heard that we must allow corporations to be unregulated and unburdened with taxes in order to get Americans back to work.

These issues weren't the reason for the collapse of the financial sector. Instead of putting out ideas as to how we find a solution, they are pandering to the extremists for votes and they are also bashing gays, both poor and middle class, blaming them for the crisis instead of the corporations who outsourced jobs, gutting the revenue of the government.

The religious right demand that this nation revert to a strict Christian base and deny others religious choice.

Where is the one who will save this nation? The one who has something different? The one who has a fresh and a firm base to get the nation started. Well it isn’t the republicans. They have not proposed any ideas to get the economy rolling. They have done nothing but push the blame toward others and pamper the wealthy and religious gluttons.

The choices given to the American public are the same ones that have already failed for, oh so long. The one man who has taken the few steps allowed to him and fought for us when he could has just now begun the long hard effort to repair this torn nation.

Unfortunately those on the opposing side, out of racism and hatred, refuse to allow him even the tiniest amount of slack. They have shown that their loyalties lay, not with the American people, but with a small faction of the rich and powerful. .......the same faction that that uses money and threats of financial ruin to pander support.

Both sides can co-exist ..... not as they wish, but as equals. That is how the founders wished this nation to be.... all men created equal whether you’re Donald Trump or William Smith. You should have the same rights and opportunities.

We have become a society of classes. Those who have more wealth get a bigger share of the rights simply because they can afford to influence the governing of the nation.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

History making in Wisconsin.

In a few days the recall effort against Governor Scott Walker and Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch will be over and we will know for certain that the people have spoken.

There will be attempts by the Republican party to reject as many signatures as possible but volunteers have done an awesome job getting them while being harassed, not only by the weather but some of those who support the governor.

The volunteer signature gatherers have shown determination, courage and strength far beyond the Republican attempts to stop them. Stopping them has been an all out effort by the right wing, as they feel threatened and are fearful of losing the power they gained last year.

One of the things they have proposed is removal the election board, known in Wisconsin as the Government Accountability Board, a body the Republicans themselves put in place several years ago.

Why would they do this? Because they are not happy with how the board they set up worked against them. They have also filed a lawsuit to help them in this recall by forcing the taxpayers to pay for the verification of the signatures instead of the Republican Party.

This is an attempt to sway public opinion against the recall effort. Walker has been able to rake in millions from outside Wisconsin at the same time he was telling the public that those against him are being funded from out of state. This has been proven false.

The millions walker has spent on ads this time have not stemmed the flow of signers, but may have helped to put even more nails in the coffin lid. They know from the Senate recalls last summer that didn’t go well for them they have to change tactics, but again they are relying on the flood of money to buy the public.

Are the people willing to sell out? I say no. The public has seen what Walker has to offer and it isn’t progress. At the rate the job outlook is going it will take nearly a half century to create the 250,000 jobs he promised in his first 4 years. I am thinking a 25 year old isn’t going to wait until he is 75 to get a job.

The efforts the people have made may not have all been victorious, but it has shown the nation what the people can do if they come together and work toward a common goal.

In addition to the recall of the Governor and the Lt. Governor, we also have people collecting signatures to remove 3 more senators.

Walker is giving us more ammo in this battle every day. He just can’t help himself. He keeps supplying the people with even more to force his recall and generate more hatred for himself. In this fight he is his own worst enemy.

We have a long road ahead but we are seeing a glimmer of light shining through. In the meantime the people have learned a valuable lesson about democracy. One can never take liberty and freedom for granted. It must be protected and defended.