Saturday, January 7, 2012

What has the Republican Party offered us this year?

Where are the candidates who will address the real issues confronting the nation? Is there even one who can speak with knowledge about the very real problems facing the American public? What we are seeing is the same old talking points and finger pointing with no real facts to back them up.

We have heard from some of the presidential candidates that the reason for the economic crisis is because God wants to punish us because some of us are gay. We've also heard that we must allow corporations to be unregulated and unburdened with taxes in order to get Americans back to work.

These issues weren't the reason for the collapse of the financial sector. Instead of putting out ideas as to how we find a solution, they are pandering to the extremists for votes and they are also bashing gays, both poor and middle class, blaming them for the crisis instead of the corporations who outsourced jobs, gutting the revenue of the government.

The religious right demand that this nation revert to a strict Christian base and deny others religious choice.

Where is the one who will save this nation? The one who has something different? The one who has a fresh and a firm base to get the nation started. Well it isn’t the republicans. They have not proposed any ideas to get the economy rolling. They have done nothing but push the blame toward others and pamper the wealthy and religious gluttons.

The choices given to the American public are the same ones that have already failed for, oh so long. The one man who has taken the few steps allowed to him and fought for us when he could has just now begun the long hard effort to repair this torn nation.

Unfortunately those on the opposing side, out of racism and hatred, refuse to allow him even the tiniest amount of slack. They have shown that their loyalties lay, not with the American people, but with a small faction of the rich and powerful. .......the same faction that that uses money and threats of financial ruin to pander support.

Both sides can co-exist ..... not as they wish, but as equals. That is how the founders wished this nation to be.... all men created equal whether you’re Donald Trump or William Smith. You should have the same rights and opportunities.

We have become a society of classes. Those who have more wealth get a bigger share of the rights simply because they can afford to influence the governing of the nation.

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