Sunday, January 22, 2012

Only the real facts.

Why is the truth in today's political and journalism scene such a foreign concept? You witness ads that blatantly mislead the public. One has only to watch the Wisconsin Governor in one of his TV ads to see this.

Do these people forget we are living in the information age where one has only to type in a few words to get the latest news? News not only from this country but from many sources outside the nation .......... all this from a simple search.

Those in politics bank on their fans and followers wearing blinders and are not willing to see the other point of view ....... in other words being uninformed. It is easy to misguide one's fans if they are ignorant and unwilling to become educated. One has only to look at those who strap on a case of explosives or drive a truck into a crowd and detonate it to witness how easy it is.

In this age of instant information why is it so many choose to remain un-enlightened? Could it be they are not unable to read? ........ or perhaps they cannot comprehend what is being said?

I see it as they are, and have always been, followers. They are the type who, unless directed, would simply walk off the cliff to their death. It is easier to lead the uneducated and witless than to lead an informed and thinking public.

This may have been the reason some media sources, like the Fox network, fought so hard to be allowed to publish lies as factual news. We have radio jocks with shows that spew half-truths and outright lies to the American public with no fear of sanctions.

We need to demand that only the truth be allowed to be published, not the truth as seen through the eyes of the basis, but the real facts. We need real punishments to force compliance. Just as we need truth in advertising we need truth in the media as well.

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