Thursday, January 12, 2012

Religious hatred

Are we ready to be dragged back two hundred and fifty years ...... a time when even the right to vote, hold office, or own property was ruled by whether you belonged to the state church or not.

That is what the religious right is proposing. They wish to force their beliefs onto every American citizen. They want to rewrite the Constitution in their own narrow-minded concept of creating a Christian Sharia law where gays can be put to death and women are less than equal and cannot be allowed to make a decision on their own.

They have become so misguided in their beliefs that they no longer hold with the teachings of Jesus but follow the merchants of profit instead. They sell out for a few pieces of silver just like Judas.

It is sad that those who profess to be Christians have turned from the real meaning of Christianity to follow hollow and soulless false prophets who use the word of God to make gold. Do those men then use the gold to better the lives of the needy? No ..... they horde and covet that gold for themselves. Their lives are filled with luxury while they condemn those less prosperous or of another faith or culture.

It had always been my understanding that churches were considered non-profit organization. Today, however, they have become huge money hoarders ....... from the Vatican to the mega TV evangelist Churches. Wasn’t it Jesus who destroyed the markets because of their greed and corruption?

Thousands of years later the same type of con men are once again busy fleecing their followers. Why are there so many gullible people in the world? Have they lost all ability to reason? Is it just that they are lazy and prefer others to do their thinking for them?

Soon this nation will be a country with as much religious hatred and extremism as is seen in many Middle Eastern nations. You say it can’t happen? Pay close attention to the demands they are placing on the government by such demands as declaring that gays have less than the same rights they enjoy. Does that sound like the America where all men are created equal?

How about denying a woman the right to save her own life in the event her pregnancy goes wrong ...... or what if she miscarries? She could conceivably face criminal charges.

Race is also becoming an major issue and is becoming a topic of conversation more every day. No wonder people have chosen to depart from today's religious teachings, which have become as radical as the Muslim extremists in their practice of Jihad. We can still exist together, but not if the religious radicals have their way.

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