Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Where are our leaders?

At one time those who ran this nation were held in high regard. They were looked on as leaders. People looked to them to make the difficult decisions because they knew they were fair whether we liked them or not.

We understood they made their decisions for the betterment of all the people. Today the laws are not created or passed in the halls of the state and federal capitals, but in the corporate board rooms or closed door meeting rooms in some resort. Those attending are not the citizens who are going to be affected by the laws. Those who stand to benefit and make a profit are the only ones allowed in.

This is in effect has blocked and denied the American public from participating in the governance of this nation. For your politicians to use these methods to create the nation's laws show they are unethical and corrupt.

How do the people retake the control of this country without another revolution? Can they stay peaceful when faced with armed thugs paid for by corporate interests?

It has been shown that the corporations are not going to share the power or sacrifices that the middle class face. Why should they? They control the government, the police and the military, and will not be satisfied until they have total control over the last man.

The US and state governments are in the hands of the wealthy. Just check the financial records. Ever see any from the middle class? These men and women are not the true leaders of our country because they worship the dollar sign. They will follow the one who promises them the most profit and are willing to buy their favors.

The leading contenders for President have no moral fiber. They flip on the issues directed by who is in the audience that day. This has become known as pandering for the vote by targeting ...... telling the people what you think will get you the most attention. This isn’t leading. It is acting, and their Oscar is the office they are running for.

The American public, raised glued to the tube from an early age, are tuned to react to that type of stimuli ...... one which fits their narrow-minded concept of the perfect world. They are the boobs for which the tube received its name. It is impossible to inform people who do not wish to be informed.

In today's information age, the make-up of various front groups is done for them and they make a choice to remain ignorant.

There are places like   http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=SourceWatch   http://www.prwatch.org http://www.alecexposed.org/wiki/ALEC_Exposed

There is a Facebook page where they will do the research on groups you request at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Deceptive-Front-Groups/140525269346842 . There are even sites where they will teach you to do the research yourself. One only has to look.

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