Thursday, November 3, 2011

Who is next in the line up?

A new chapter in the history of the “rise and fall” of the Republican Party. The remarkable thing is, that instead of decades, this time it has only taken two years.

They will have a return because people in this country tend to forget. I give it, oh, maybe two years again.

We can only hope this time that the connection to the Tea Party will have been forgotten. The Tea Party had tossed it's hat into the ring with some questionable candidates for a very short-lived run ........ or should it be referred to a sprint?

As of today we have seen none of the frontrunners as being long distance athletes. We had Michele Bachmann, who came out of the gate in Iowa as the Tea Party favorite. That lasted for a few months until her half truths and outright flubbing of American history took their toll. She was soon shown to be outclassed by even a public high school student. After that, her numbers sunk lower than the Titanic.

Enter Rick Perry, hell bent on a crusade from the State of Texas. He shot out of the gate and kept barreling along until he took the stage and showed that even with big money backing him he was just a tiny firecracker in the big world of public debates.

It was soon obvious that he had been shooting blanks in the big boy’s world. He gambled that the public wasn’t upset about the Republican attempt to discard the Social Security program, and bet his campaign on it. The mainstream folk didn’t buy it. So he tried the birther and flat tax issues, but those were like trying to dribble a lead basketball.

Now we have Herman Cain polling well in a mine field where, in the last week, he has managed to step on every mine. His connections to the Koch brothers were revealed, which put the spotlight on some questionable campaigning schemes. Then behold! Oh my goodness ......a sex scandal which he couldn’t remember. Oh wait, he did, but it was nothing ...... or was it?

Did these people really think they could come to a presidential campaign and not take some hits and digs? The presidential race is a no holds barred contest with the entire country looking on and demanding to know everything.

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