Thursday, December 1, 2011

Grover Norquist ....a God in his own eyes.

Grover Norquist .... the little man who sees himself as Napoleon .... the man whose only claim to fame is his tax pledge, which was signed by the majority of Republicans. Norquist says the pledge is to the voters, but he is the one who holds the power, not the voters. If it were the voters, it would be clear that they wish taxes to be raised, as a poll in July showed, by over 60%.

It has become clear that Norquist has an over-inflated ego and that his pledge has nothing to do with the majority of voters. People have started to view those people who take these pledges as not displaying real leadership abilities, and offer them as an example of a simple follower.
Instead of pledging their allegiance to the nation, they have given it to Norquist. This demonstrates poor leadership that needs to be addressed by, and rejected by, the voters. They can’t serve two masters, which means they are either serving the people or Norquist.

Recently some of those who took the pledge have had regrets as they realize doing so could spell an end to their careers .... one way other another, through the people's wrath or Norquist's.

They have been frantic to find a loophole, and it appears one man may have found one. Senator Pat Toomey says that if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire, the taxes would be higher. If they were to raise them by 39.6 % it won’t be an tax increase.

However President Obama has said he won’t extend the cuts without dropping the ones for the upper income group. Norquist has stated he feels that both houses and possibly the Presidency will be in Republican hands by then.

I have to remind Norquist that unless the Republicans intend to seize control of the government this isn’t likely to happen, simply because the public is fed up with the antics of the Tea Party. They are on their way out. This means his pledges are not going to be worth the paper they are written on. He may find a use for them, but I warn him paper cuts in that area could be very painful.

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