Monday, December 12, 2011

United together we must stand!

Let's be honest here. Whether we are Christian, Muslim, Liberal, Conservative, or Independent we all desire the same things ...... freedom, liberty, being able to provide for our families and to give our children a good life.

These are a parents' goals and purposes in life and that is as it should be. We must remember that no matter where we stand we need to protect those in our care and give them the best chances to prosper.

Let’s admit it. The majority of US citizens are middle class, and dream as you might, most will die as middle class. It is, therefore, up to you and I to ensure that the life of the middle class is made as stable for future generations as possible.

Denying your neighbor simply because he or she doesn’t support your views is ripping the very fabric of this country. It has divided what was the strongest force in this country and rendered it powerless to stop the takeover by corporations. Takeover is their agenda.

The middle class, as long as one side mistrusts the other, is weak and defenseless. Corporations know this and are using it against the people. People can have their differences, but we have to recognize who the real enemy is. Let's stop this foolish bickering and come together for the sake of generations of future Americans, our children, so we can preserve the freedom and liberty that has so hard fought over the centuries.

We must be able to find that common ground where we are not just liberals, conservatives, Christian, Muslim or Atheist, but where we are Americans first and foremost. We have to make a stand, united as one people, for the good of every American citizen.

The middle class is the very fiber of this nation and the backbone that has allowed us to stand straight and tall over the centuries. Remember ..... it was the sweat and blood of the middle class that built and held this nation together. It was the strong callused hands and bent backs that toiled to build this nation and caused it to prosper.

The corporations did nothing but provide the middle class with the tools to create that end. Corporations, without the support of the middle class, are nothing but empty shells. They have no power and no strength without the middle class doing the work for them and buying the products they produce.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, we need to learn to live together and be neighbors and build up communities, stop dividing and tearing down, that is what they have had us doing and look where we ended up... They start this crap propaganda to distract us from what is really going on. and it is happening everywhere, everyday. So we need to communicate and work for the good of the Human people in this country and this world. One of the first things we need to do is to take responsibility for our part in the green house gases, and start working like crazy to start cleaning up the environment for our children & their grandchildren to come. We have to deal with the cards we have been dealt, look at the bright side, you were not in a third world country...yet. So fight to bring America in to the next phase......
