Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Main Street vs Wall Street

Main street, to my mind, is a picture of small town life. Of course this is from growing up in the 50's when main streets were still lined with trees and you could often cross the street with no traffic signals.

We have progressed from those times to those that have expanded our horizons. The world is a much smaller place now that we are able to communicate with people from all over the globe with just a stroke of a keyboard.

We, the middle class, are now finding ourselves locked in a struggle for survival. The battle is against Wall Street. They are well armed, seem to have the high ground, and are well entrenched. On Main Street, our numbers actually outnumber the forces of Wall Street, but the battle will be fierce.

Those from the middle class who have allied themselves with the dark side out of fear that they may punish them, bow down and kiss the feet of Wall Street. They feel that the security of siding with Wall Street will give them financial benefits.

Security is actually a very weak spot on the bridge of life ....... one that can give way at anytime, taking one's dreams and hopes away at a moment's notice.

The Occupy movement has gained strength and continues to build across the globe. Can this movement stay on course through the winter? Can it maintain its focus and not be corrupted as the Tea Party was? Those questions will be answered in the coming months.

As for the statement that the occupy movement has no focused direction and no real leadership. So what if there is no central leader? The movement is still in its infancy, so one will emerge.

For now, those behind the computers and those who march in these protests are leading the fight. Like those who took a stand against injustice in the creation of this country, they are determined to lead the revolt.

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