Sunday, October 2, 2011

What will it take to fix America?

Our government is not only broke it is broken. It has fallen and has splintered into millions of pieces.

One of the reasons is that those elected to office appear to have no desire to listen to the people’s concerns. Why is that? We, the average man and woman, are easy to ignore. We don’t have the money to grease the squeaky wheel so we don’t get listened to.

Would the Tea Party get the coverage and attention it has if it wasn’t used by the two most wealthy men in the world? I have heard people ask why the tea party seems to get an overly large amount of attention from the media. That is the reason ...... when our selling your soul to the corporate world you get all the attention you can handle.

Wall Street Bankers have taken over the control of the government and they buy political favors. They know by throwing massive amounts of cash into the political arena and using the threat of economic collapse they can steer many in the public to back them. And why not? They control the money, they control our pensions, and at any point they could wipe us out financially, forcing millions of us into financial ruin.

With a reckless desire to maximize profits they gambled and lost, nearly throwing this nation into another deep depression. When forcing the public to rush to the rescue to stabilize them there was no talk about taking them to task for their behavior. Quite the contrary. They are back. With our money they rebuilt their wallets and are all ready to replay the same, game since we bailed them out before.

What little was done to keep them in check they are fighting to have removed. They are confident they will succeed. After all, they have brought and paid for protection in Washington.
The vast majority of elected officials who owe them for the millions they are sitting on feel they have nothing to fear. That rabble in the streets is nothing. Wall Street holds the purse strings and looks down on the little person with scorn.

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