Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rebirthing Pains?

We are witnessing the rebirth of a nation ..... one lost to the disinterested and the disillusioned. A nation that has awakened to the fact that one must be active in the governing of one’s country.

This year, in the cold of a Wisconsin winter, people took to the streets to protest things they felt were unfair. That protest grew, and the state created a record in the history books for recalls. This was a small victory, and the gains were modest, but this sparked others to follow.

The desire and drive seen in Madison Wisconsin brought to life other protesters across the nation. The latest result of this is the Occupy Wall Street movement - a drive to abolish corporate influence in the governance of the country.

Those on the right are fearful this effort could undermine the Tea Party movement ..... one they know changed the face of politics in the last election. They also know it could overshadow it and take an entirely new direction ........ one over which they will have no control.

The thought of losing the power they now have, thanks to the backing of corporations, frightens them and is making them desperate. They are resorting to intimidation and violence. Ignoring the protestors didn’t work and only increased them in numbers. The violence even strengthened the resolve of those on the front lines and spearheaded the movement to multiply across the nation.

The corporate media has tried to discredit the Occupy movement by printing stories that say the effort has no real direction and no common goals. It is historical fact this nation was conceived by revolutionists whose only desire was to free themselves from religious and corporate domination. Is it too difficult to imagine the ancestors of that group doing the same today?

Even those who founded this country came here with the desire to pursue their dreams and live them in freedom. Freedom and liberty come at a cost. They require a commitment from every citizen to be active in the political process. A citizen cannot stand idly by and allow freedom to slip away. It is everyone’s responsibility ..... young, old, or in between. It is our duty to defend our freedom.

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