Sunday, October 16, 2011

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here? Our focus must remain on the one issue that is the cause for the occupy protests, and that is Corporate influence. If we don't address this corporations will continue to dominate ever aspect of our lives. We are witnessing to what extent they are capable of going to if unrestrained. Their greed knows no bounds and they have no regards for the working people which they see as the means for higher profits.

The fate of every man, woman, and child depends on the masses taking a stand and raising their voices in unison. This isn't the issue of one party against the other but rather a non partisan concern of every person. We have been given the opportunity with the upraising against wall street that has gained momentum across the free countries of the world. We must join forces and become unified in this common goal.

This has become WW3 the enemy are the ones driven by greed and corruption whose only goal is to rape and plunder the resources of this world and that includes every thing they see value in.

If we allow them to continue unchecked we will leave our children a bleak future one of polluted streams and rivers fouled air and infertile land all in the name of greed. So not only is our form of government in jeopardy but the future of our children and of the entire world. The first step necessarily is to take the power they hold over the elected officials and their ability to write and pass laws that benefit their interests. So are you ready to play dead and allow corporations to run our life or are you a real citizen of the world and ready to stand united against the enemy?

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