Sunday, October 30, 2011

Will we ever learn?

 The year was1932. The country was deep into the great depression. 12 million people were out of work and 12,000 more were added every day. 20,000 businesses had gone bankrupt. 23,000 people had committed suicide.

The response of the then President was that people should not ask for help, but should help themselves, and that is still the view of the Republicans of today.

In Herbert Hoover's own words "It is not the function of the government to relieve individuals of their responsibilities to their neighbors, or to relieve private institutions of their responsibilities to the public."

Although Hoover did release $300 million to create jobs, the Republican-controlled states refused to use the money. "Prosperity is just around the corner" was believed because a depression can't last forever. That was the end of 13 years of Republican rule.

We are again facing the same rhetoric from the same party that led us into the great depression and bought us to the brink of financial collapse. The Republican-controlled states had an opportunity to take funding to create jobs but, just like what happened in 1932, they refused and the American public had to suffer.

We had been given an opportunity to bring about recovery. However, many were not satisfied or patient enough for recovery and demanded it happen overnight. When, after two years, it hadn't progressed as fast as they liked they were ready to scrap all efforts and change direction.

They chose to place the control back into the hands of the very party that had once again led us to the edge. Only this time they were fed by distrust of the nation's first black President. That fueled racial fears and hatred from an group of extremists.

The President offered a bill to restart the economy by creating jobs, but again the Republicans stopped it. Government can't create jobs, but they also shouldn't prevent jobs in an attempt to gain political favors.

Our economy is sitting in a wagon racing towards the cliff's edge with the parties fighting for control. Will we regain our sanity before it plunges over the edge?

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Small business has a huge responsibly.

Today's small business has a huge responsibly. They have been forced to carry the weight of the nation's economy and employ the bulk of American workers.

They do so without the subsidies given to the large corporations that have abandoned American workers. They do so without the massive tax breaks and incentives given to large corporations. In today's world where they employ more than half of all workers ..... 52%! Check the figures

All they get from Washington is empty promises. There has been some token legislation proposed which has been blocked at every step. It is devastating to watch the lockstep takeover of Washington and State legislators by lobbyists from mega corporations.

To restart the economy, the focus has to be placed on the small business sector. If they can get the tax breaks and incentives instead of the mega corporations, they can expand and increase their workforce.

Let's stop backing programs that have put Americans and this nation in jeopardy .... the ones that force small businesses to take a back seat to the lobbying forces of the mega rich. These programs have put all Americans and small businesses in a financial burden by chipping away at the disposable cash of those who use their goods and services.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How can the Oakland police justify last nights incidence?

Last night on the streets of Oakland CA a Veteran of Iraq may have given his life …… not on the battlefields of IRAQ, where he formerly fought against a foreign aggressor. He was fighting  protesting what he felt was injustice in his own country.

Scott Olsen, 24, was stuck in the head by an object fired from a gun or thrown by an overly aggressive police force against unarmed citizens.

This is an action all of America should demand a state and federal investigation of before these acts of violence get out of hand and before we have bodies littering of streets as we have seen in some foreign countries.

Today he is in a hospital, hopefully awaiting surgery to save his life. This show of force is deplorable in a country that gives its citizens the right to protest. The thugs in black who caused this had better rethink their actions. After all, they must continue to live and walk amongst other citizens.

They should be reminded their pay doesn't come from the coffers of corporations but from the pockets of the same taxpayers they are brutalizing. The excuse of "just following orders" doesn't cover the taking the lives of unarmed citizens expressing their Constitutional rights.

Every police officer in the field that night should be removed from duty until it is determined who was responsible. If the mayor gave the order she must also face a charge of murder if this man dies.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Main Street vs Wall Street

Main street, to my mind, is a picture of small town life. Of course this is from growing up in the 50's when main streets were still lined with trees and you could often cross the street with no traffic signals.

We have progressed from those times to those that have expanded our horizons. The world is a much smaller place now that we are able to communicate with people from all over the globe with just a stroke of a keyboard.

We, the middle class, are now finding ourselves locked in a struggle for survival. The battle is against Wall Street. They are well armed, seem to have the high ground, and are well entrenched. On Main Street, our numbers actually outnumber the forces of Wall Street, but the battle will be fierce.

Those from the middle class who have allied themselves with the dark side out of fear that they may punish them, bow down and kiss the feet of Wall Street. They feel that the security of siding with Wall Street will give them financial benefits.

Security is actually a very weak spot on the bridge of life ....... one that can give way at anytime, taking one's dreams and hopes away at a moment's notice.

The Occupy movement has gained strength and continues to build across the globe. Can this movement stay on course through the winter? Can it maintain its focus and not be corrupted as the Tea Party was? Those questions will be answered in the coming months.

As for the statement that the occupy movement has no focused direction and no real leadership. So what if there is no central leader? The movement is still in its infancy, so one will emerge.

For now, those behind the computers and those who march in these protests are leading the fight. Like those who took a stand against injustice in the creation of this country, they are determined to lead the revolt.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The world in revolt.

The world seems to be in revolution mode. Citizens everywhere are fighting against the domination of corrupt rulers. The reasons maybe varied, but the root of them is the same - a desire for liberty and personal rule.
Whether it is here or across the globe, the objective seems to be the same ...... to throw off the yoke of those who wish to force their narrow views on the world to gain monetary control.
These are the type of people who are not satisfied with a large slice of the pie but demand the whole thing. It doesn't matter if they are dictators or CEO's they are of the same personality type. They all seem to need the same thing ..... to control and influence the masses. Some use bullets and others use money, but their goals are still the same.

The people of the world are making a stand, and the power mongers are being threatened. At first they tried to ignore those who were protesting and then they resorted to violence, which soon led to the slaughter of their own citizens.

It happened here in the US when the citizens of the new world decided they wanted freedom, and many of our citizens gave up their lives to reach that goal. For over 200 years we defended that concept of freedom, until a few decided to take the whole pie for themselves.

This is happening in all corners of the globe, but now the common man is making a stand and declaring that greed and corruption are not a acceptable parts of freedom. People from every culture and region have awakened with the resolve that liberty is worth one's life to achieve and hold.

If our brothers in other cultures are willing to face death, isn't the defense of liberty worth some discomfort in our own nation?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The war may be over but not for those returning.

    • The troops will be coming home from Iraq by the end of this year.

      After the joy and excitement of their homecoming comes the next set of hardships. The jobs they left many years ago are no longer here for them, and not only will they face problems brought on by extended deployment and readjusting to civilian life, they will also find a job market that has no place for them.

      They will have to realize that the legislators who, at the start of this conflict, demanded they go to fight no longer support them. Instead, those same legislators wish to cut funding for VA programs.

      Many will suffer from the effects of PTSD and, like the Vets from Viet Nam, they will have to deal with a world of non-veterans who have no idea of the trauma those returning will have to cope with. Add to that the stress of adjusting to life at home with little prospect of employment and we will undoubtedly witness an increase in domestic violence and suicide.

      The irony is that those coming home may face an even bigger challenge than they had in Iraq. They will find that we have become a divided nation of haves and have nots ....... a nation in which, after fighting for us all these years, they may find it will be difficult, if not impossible, to vote.

      They may find that their views are not favored by those on the other side of the political fence. I remember returning home in '73, when wearing ones uniform was actually advised against. My hope is that they never have to feel the way many Nam vets felt coming home.

      In today's political climate they are returning to a scene where those not fortunate enough to have employment are viewed by many as undesirable, as lazy and as freeloaders ..... a scene in which if you're not willing to work for minimum wage, without any benefits or pension, you are unlikely to be able to secure work. Even worse, many companies will no longer hire you if you're not already gainfully employed.

      My prayer is that those who hold the reins in Washington will not cut the funding for the service men and women that gave this nation the security and service that was asked of them.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Iraq a casualty of corporate greed.

After being entrenched in Iraq for the for the last eight years, it may finally be drawing to a close this year. This conflict was born from the desire to confront a dictator we once had allied with in his fight against Iran.

Picking the wrong side has always been a sore spot in our foreign relations. My question is why do we insist on taking sides when we are not the world police. Isn't that the duty of the UN?

Why should we put our nation in danger? We did that and the end result was the 911 attack on our soil that cost the lives of 3000 citizens, as well as the ensuing war that cost us 5,554 service men and women and left thousands wounded ..... not to mention the trillions in debt our nation has endured because of it.

In Iraq alone 31,882 were seriously injured and 
4,482  died. This doesn't include the loss of Iraqi and Afghan civilians and the damage to those countries' infrastructures which we poured money into to repair. This is money that the tax payers will never recover, but that padded the bank accounts of the construction and security firms that were hired.

This is a high cost in life alone for an unnecessary war in Iraq ....... one based on faulty intelligence ...... or was it staged intelligence?

We have become a nation of aggression, based on the military complex and the nation building for profit. The military businesses revels in the opportunity to establish a foothold in the oil rich middle east where, before this, they had no chance of influencing and taking control of the region. Now, with the backing and support of the military, they have taken power.

For those families devastated by this war ..... those who have lost fathers and mothers and children ....... the cost is even much greater than the money this nation has lost to the corporate instigators of an unjust war.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Let them eat cake!

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Ask yourself how you want to live it. Do you want to isolate yourself from all the pain in the world and ignore that others sometimes, though no fault of their own, have fallen on bad times? I guess for some it would be much easier to do that.

Some choose to place the blame squarely on the disadvantaged. After all, this is the land of opportunity where one only has to pursue their goals to be successful. But today's job market has changed, a person could, at one time, find a job overnight and never worry about being unemployed.

Those days have disappeared, and the unemployed are taking the blame for their own lack of jobs. Who are the ones pinning the blame on them? The rich 1% sitting in their ivory towers counting their money and looking down on the lazy 99%.

They are being called lazy because they are the middle class ..... the people who work with their hands ..... the ones who do manual labor ...... those who were satisfied with not taking more than their share and doing without if necessary.

It is easy for the advantaged to look down on those beneath them. After all, they are not anything like those scum and low life's who are forming mobs and marching in the streets. They are blessed and have the resources to live in comfort. Why should they have any feelings or concerns?

They used the system to raise above the masses and can now look down at them with disdain. They have every right to lord it over the 99% because they are entitled to it by virtue of their position in life. Let the people eat cake. They should be thankful the 1% allow them that.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More corporate influence when will we put an end to it?

    • With 50 million people in this nation food challenged, and the courts having ruled that citizens have no right to grow their own food what is one to do?

      Even before the ink had dried on the signing of this decision, the judge who made the ruling resigned his office to take a job with one of Monsanto’s corporation law firms. Was this a payoff by a corporation for services rendered?

      At a time when many Americans are facing dire circumstances and with the government facing a budget crisis, and having cut programs to feed people, wouldn't it be wise to allow people to produce their own food so they are not reliant on big government?

      No ..... corporations only see the bottom line and that it may affect their profits. This is another attempt by corporations to maintain a monopoly by telling citizens they can only eat the food they sell you.

      Corporations have, for decades, used their money and power to influence the courts and laws in nearly every civilized country in the world. They have taken control of the financial sections to insure cooperation of governments and monopolies formed in the media used them to limit information being released to the masses.

      They are using that power to write laws and force them on the public though groups like ALEC, which is nothing more than a corporate lobbying group. Political Action Committees (PAC's) funnel money from corporations into ads that front candidates for office, which gives them clout with those they back by spreading their message.

      In order for the citizens of the free world to take back liberty they must remove ALL influences of corporations and limit them to doing business ......not running governments by using their wealth to unfairly corrupt the world, simply for profit and greed.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Why are Republicans not afraid of election fraud?

Once again the issue of voter fraud has taken center stage. Every time an election nears, the Republican base tosses it up in hopes it will stick. This time around, with Republicans in control, they saw their opportunity. The rush was on to prevent what they saw as a threat to their goal of domination.

When you are a party that has a minority of members how do you garner a better position? By making it more difficult for your opposition to vote. Who are the most likely to vote following the other parties lines? Well the young, collage students, the elderly, and the poor.

The laws they passed without public debate are an example of their real concern with the people. It only shows that they know the majority won't go for it. They pushed it though and did not allow the people to speak. So what if it gets challenged and tossed out? The tax payers can pick up the legal tab.

Many will ask what is wrong with stopping voter fraud ? Nothing is wrong if it is a legitimate problem, however all investigations into voter fraud have revealed that it isn't a real problem in this state.

Out of the millions and millions of voters only a few cases of illegitimate voters have been found. We here in Wisconsin are being forced to pay over 12 million dollars to prevent a total of 7 bad votes over the years ....... votes that would have had no effect on an election whatsoever.

Our focus should be on the very real problem of EVM's (electronic voting machines), which have been shown to allow their programs to be altered. The real problem isn't voter fraud, it's election fraud
We have EVM's being used in nearly every precinct in this state that are costing the public millions of dollars and have been proven to be insecure. Each year, more states and county officials spend our tax dollars to purchase these machines that are so easy to manipulate.

It must be demanded that the people require more transparency in the election process ....... not a secret coded corporate-programmed machine that allows for no one to observe the counting of the ballots

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here? Our focus must remain on the one issue that is the cause for the occupy protests, and that is Corporate influence. If we don't address this corporations will continue to dominate ever aspect of our lives. We are witnessing to what extent they are capable of going to if unrestrained. Their greed knows no bounds and they have no regards for the working people which they see as the means for higher profits.

The fate of every man, woman, and child depends on the masses taking a stand and raising their voices in unison. This isn't the issue of one party against the other but rather a non partisan concern of every person. We have been given the opportunity with the upraising against wall street that has gained momentum across the free countries of the world. We must join forces and become unified in this common goal.

This has become WW3 the enemy are the ones driven by greed and corruption whose only goal is to rape and plunder the resources of this world and that includes every thing they see value in.

If we allow them to continue unchecked we will leave our children a bleak future one of polluted streams and rivers fouled air and infertile land all in the name of greed. So not only is our form of government in jeopardy but the future of our children and of the entire world. The first step necessarily is to take the power they hold over the elected officials and their ability to write and pass laws that benefit their interests. So are you ready to play dead and allow corporations to run our life or are you a real citizen of the world and ready to stand united against the enemy?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Where are the adults?

I don’t like you so I am not going to play with you or have you on my team. Sound like playground antics? Well this is coming from our elected political figures.

All the while this is going on, our country is crumbling ....... its citizens being fed fear and lies while many struggle to put food on the table or maintain a roof over their heads. This immature and juvenile behavior belongs on the grade school playground not in the hallowed halls of our government.

In the state of Montana legislators proposed some of the most outrageous laws ever heard about:

Legalize hunting with hand-thrown spear (Senate Bill 112)
Eliminate educational requirements for persons seeking job of State Superintendent of Schools (HB 154)
Omit Barack Obama’s name from the 2012 ballot because his father was born outside of America (House Bill 205)
Allow guns in schools (House Bill 558)
And Lift the prohibition on carrying concealed weapons in bars, churches and banks (House Bill 384)

Let’s face reality. These laws seem like the kind of things you would expect to hear from two drunks sitting at the bar after a day of Alabama slammers instead of coming from supposedly sober elected officials.

All across the US have had some pretty outrageous laws proposed by the new tea party freshmen. Most are directed at challenging the authority of the federal government to execute powers that are granted by the Constitution.

Experts doubt the current bills will have much practical impact or leave a long-term legacy, but that doesn't stop them from being proposed.

"These bills are nothing but symbolic grandstanding for conservative constituents," says Erwin Chemerinksy, Dean of the Law School at the University of California at Irvine. "States cannot violate federal law or authorize the violation of federal law. The laws are clearly unconstitutional, but that does not keep conservative politicians from introducing them."

What is needed is a level of sanity to return to state and federal capitols and for those elected to office to focus on the concerns of their constituents and not push their personal priorities.

For those who were elected based on a platform of job creation ..... what are you doing to fulfill your promises?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who are the masses to the rich?

To the rich and wealthy the masses are little more than the means to larger profit margins. We are expected to make their products at the lowest cost to them but in turn we are expected to purchase the same products at a high rate of return for them.

I cannot fault them for wanting a good return on their investments. After all, that is business, but in today's world one has to be mindful of those around them.

The world is a much smaller space that it was 100 years ago. The resources are more limited and there is less open area, so contamination is more concentrated. One has to be aware of this and factor it into doing business.

Too many mega corporations wish to return to no regulations on what they can do with their waste because disposing of it in an environmentally friendly manner affects their bottom line and reduces the profit margin. Pollution in the water ways flows downstream so why worry? ..... the ocean is endless. What can it mean in the long run if it doesn’t affect their end of the business chain?

It all comes down to greed ..... the addiction of making more and more money. That is what it has become. Money is the only measure of success for the wealthy and that is a power trip for them. They will do whatever is necessary is add to their power, even though that money will not give them a better spot in the hereafter they have to create more of it.

It doesn’t matter that it can’t improve their lives here. They consider it a measure of greatness while they are alive. How sad their lives are focused on something as meaningless and unsatisfying as monetary gains?

These types of people must really laugh at those who devote their lives to bettering the lot of those who suffer from economic hardship. All the while many of the wealthy are hording every cent they can in order to achieve power and greatness while alive.

They don’t realize that power is gone once they die, and that their memories will fade faster than their bodies return to dust. Being rich doesn’t make one right.

Improving another's life is never left unrewarded, whether it is for someone who works for you or for a stranger who is lost on the path of life. Greed goes unnoticed, but generosity always has its rewards ....... maybe not the kind you can hold in your hands, but the ones you can feel deep within.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy Wall Street has exposed a raw nerve.

When the Tea Party took to the streets in protest, the media said they were patriots taking back the country and reducing the size of government. Why did they get the support of the media? Simple .....the media are corporations and the Tea Party was bought and paid for by corporations. The corporations saw an opportunity to buy the favor of a group of Americans and took it.

Now we are seeing another upraising led once again by Americans, only this time the corporations are not happy. They are working to discredit this group and paint them as a disorganized mob. Some that support the Republican Party have actually come out and endorsed hitting protestors with cars to discourage them. They have used the police to intimidate and carry out violence against them even though they have been for the most part non-violent.

The protests have gained in popularity and have been taken up in many parts of the world. This has to have the corporations very upset. Unlike the Tea Party, which they have control over because of the money they had used, they have no control over this grassroots movement that is free of the influence of greed.

One Wall Street banker described the protesters as "a bunch of whiny people who are lazy or incompetent and have nothing to do with their time." He also said he was concerned the rhetoric could escalate to violence. "Who's to say they won't storm NYSE or throw something at the window of Goldman Sachs, that in turn inspires them to grab an investment banker and throttle him?" Guess it is time they realize they may not be as protected behind the ivory towers of Wall Street as they thought.

It was announced just today that South Korea has joined in the OWS protests. The world is awakening, still groggy from the nightmare fostered by the corporate world, and is ready to take back reality.

Some Wall Street employees who initially dismissed the protests as disorganized and unimportant are also starting to worry that they may lead to punitive policies in Washington, such as higher taxes for the wealthy.

"I think this thing will continue to grow," said Robert Siegfried, a partner who works with financial clients at the communications firm Kekst & Co. "Wall Street is just a term here that represents the huge disparity in income levels and the distribution of wealth in this country. For anyone to dismiss it, that's a terrible underestimation of the sentiment behind this phenomena."

Goldman Sachs Group Inc Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein canceled a planned lecture this week at Barnard College, a liberal arts school in Manhattan, as students prepared to protest his appearance.

Goldman Sachs has been painted by some lawmakers and activists as the epitome of Wall Street greed following investigations into its actions leading up to the financial crisis. Blankfein, who has headed the firm since 2006, has frequently been the target of populist rage.

Last week, an Occupy Wall Street protester marched with a gory image of Blankfein's head, impaled on a stick, according to the financial blog Business Insider. In late-September, an anonymous hacker posted his address and other personal information on the website Pastebin.

Goldman spokesman Stephen Cohen declined to comment on the protests and said Blankfein canceled the lecture because of a scheduling conflict.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The battle against corporate domination

In the dead of night a group of men dressed as Indians and armed with hatchets and clubs, they filed though the streets of Boston. Their target was a group of three British merchant ships docked at Griffin’s Wharf.

The year was 1773, and according to a young man who was a member of the group, they were out to do damage to a cargo of tea belonging to the massive corporation called the East India Company.

George Robert Twelves Hewes (August 25, 1742 – November 5, 1840) recounted what happened that night as he and others took the first step to throw off the yoke of corporate domination.

So began the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. In Mr. Hewes' own words, this was not an action against the crown of England but against the corporate rule of a company that was intent on monopolizing the tea trade in the colonies. He remained a poor man his entire life, and it wasn’t until he was in his 90’s that he was recognized as the last revolutionary hero from that era.

Once again we are witnessing corporations rising in domination, intent on making their profits at the cost of human life if necessary. Today, however, the names of those who unknowingly began the march to independence and the birth of a new nation are being dishonored. They are being backed and funded by the same origins that the former group had fought against.

How can people be so misaligned as to disregard history simply for greed? The push against corporations has taken a worldwide stage. Not only is it no longer limited to one nation, but it is spreading and growing.

The movement is young and little is known about how it will turn out. We hope it can remain peaceful, but we have seen that corporations are not willing to surrender the power and money they have gained though the corruption of governments. The people are looking at yet another long hard fight against them.

Let’s hope that this time we make it harder for them ever to regain their former power by enacting the laws needed to limit them before that happens.

The founders never dreamt that corporations would ever again be allowed to take control ....... or that other Americans would aid them in doing so. Unfortunately this is what happens once history is allowed to become distorted and forgotten.

We do this in the memory of men like George Hewes, whose only thought was to improve his life and that of the other colonists ...........not to amass riches and fame, but to right an injustice. We must build momentum on Main Street. We will not be deterred or distracted until we achieve our goal.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rebirthing Pains?

We are witnessing the rebirth of a nation ..... one lost to the disinterested and the disillusioned. A nation that has awakened to the fact that one must be active in the governing of one’s country.

This year, in the cold of a Wisconsin winter, people took to the streets to protest things they felt were unfair. That protest grew, and the state created a record in the history books for recalls. This was a small victory, and the gains were modest, but this sparked others to follow.

The desire and drive seen in Madison Wisconsin brought to life other protesters across the nation. The latest result of this is the Occupy Wall Street movement - a drive to abolish corporate influence in the governance of the country.

Those on the right are fearful this effort could undermine the Tea Party movement ..... one they know changed the face of politics in the last election. They also know it could overshadow it and take an entirely new direction ........ one over which they will have no control.

The thought of losing the power they now have, thanks to the backing of corporations, frightens them and is making them desperate. They are resorting to intimidation and violence. Ignoring the protestors didn’t work and only increased them in numbers. The violence even strengthened the resolve of those on the front lines and spearheaded the movement to multiply across the nation.

The corporate media has tried to discredit the Occupy movement by printing stories that say the effort has no real direction and no common goals. It is historical fact this nation was conceived by revolutionists whose only desire was to free themselves from religious and corporate domination. Is it too difficult to imagine the ancestors of that group doing the same today?

Even those who founded this country came here with the desire to pursue their dreams and live them in freedom. Freedom and liberty come at a cost. They require a commitment from every citizen to be active in the political process. A citizen cannot stand idly by and allow freedom to slip away. It is everyone’s responsibility ..... young, old, or in between. It is our duty to defend our freedom.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Put the blame where it belongs.

Politicians are placing blame for the anger of the protestors towards Wall Street on the backs of the middle class. They say they shouldn't be upset about the loss of employment and not having money with which to survive.

Yes folks, the reason you are unemployed is entirely your fault. It has been revealed by Herman Cain. We hear from the Republican state governors that they have jobs available. Well where are they? Many are not in the state or they are part time seasonal work.

My question is if you are making 300 dollars a week unemployment and have a family of four, just how are you going to pack your belongings and move to another state with the hope of securing a job .... especially when you are up against 200 plus people applying for the same job? Now, with many companies refusing to hire unemployed workers, what are they to do?

Whose side do the state legislators take when addressing the issue of hiring the unemployed? Certainly not the workers, but the businesses that donate to their coffers for re-election. This is discrimination, pure and simple. For the life of me I can’t understand the reasoning behind this move.

Having been in business myself, I would welcome unemployed workers if I were them. To base their rejection on a downturn of the market is unreasonable. About the only reason I can see for this is to create distrust and hatred for the sitting President. We seem to be seeing a lot of this from our legislators and mega national corporations.

Can their bias and desire for power really have gotten to the point that they would sacrifice the dreams and well being of other citizens for their greed? If that wasn’t the reason wouldn’t they be working to further the wishes of the people? Wouldn't they introduce legislation to open jobs instead of working with corporations that create more hazardous conditions in the workplace, or in the environment, that could cause harm to one’s family and living space?
In reality, if the minimum wage was cut in half where would people get funds with which to buy the products made by the corporations? Wouldn’t the profits drop simply from people not having the disposable income to purchase them?

Has the business world overlooked the cardinal rule of business “supply and demand”? The income many are banking on could dry up and disappear at any time. That secure job you have today could vanish tomorrow, as it has for many others.

Nothing is secure today. Corporations are confident they could withstand a crash of the market and retain their money. They have been preparing for it. They think they may feel a pinch, but the benefits would outweigh the temporary discomfort. They would then be able to return to a world begging them to take over ........ one that is willing to surrender everything for a tiny morsel from their table.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

We need to defend liberty.

Today’s political scene is highly charged. We are seeing the beginning of a revolution. There is a surge in demands for the rights of citizens. This must be put down at all costs. The Crown (corporations) and those who stand in support of them have no choice. These common men could never survive without being told what to do and without men of class to steer them. They are an element bent on dismantling the hierarchy of society .... the very one they refuse to follow. They have forgotten their place and need to be dealt with by force if necessary.

That could easily been the view of the media from our past. We are seeing a movement, a repeat of the same issues with the same results, this nation faced back at its creation. We have the crown (today’s corporations) making the laws and enforcing them for their own benefit. We have the Tories (conservatives) who believe in the divine right of Kings (corporations) to rule and think they were ordained by God. We have the Whigs (the liberals/progressives) fighting to reform the country and its election laws.

Unless We the People remove all the influence of corporate money from the governing of this nation we cannot continue on the path of freedom and liberty.

Who will be the Men of Liberty in today’s world? Will we, after 234 years, lose the rights and liberties that were fought so hard for over the centuries? Will the blood of the many brave souls who gave their lives to defend and create this nation be wasted? How can we justify it to the memories of our fathers, grandfathers, sons, and daughters if we surrender to corporate domination? Can we win in the face of uneven forces (money) or will we curl up and play dead?

Our resolve is there. Our ammunition is facts. Our weapon is the information we have and are using. Informing the public is not easy but we can do it by sharing. We need to place fact raids in enemy territory. Plant the information and back off. Don’t argue or confront them.

Laws were created to protect the people ...... all the people. If there is a violation of a law it needs to be dealt with severely so it will never happen again. That isn’t how justice is meted out to corporations. They can simply pay a fine, even though something has caused bodily harm to people, and are allowed to continue on their merry way. No business is too big to be held up and face justice ......... no matter how much money and power they hold.

Monday, October 3, 2011

We are being betrayed from within.

Are we witnessing the collapse of what was once referred to as the bed of democracy? While we see the spread of democracy and freedom across regions that had formerly been under strict dictatorships for decades, here in our own country we are seeing the rise of corporate governance.

It is a sad state of affairs when those with the most money are allowed to override the true sovereign rule of the people. A majority of the people rule ...... not those with the majority of the money. That was how government was set up by the founders.

Contrary to what many think, the founders did not trust corporations and fought to free this nation from their grip. Today we see a party which mistakenly took the name given to a band of citizens who acted to overthrow the heavy hand of corporations. Now, however, they have turned, and are not only supported by them but also do their bidding. That party has disgraced the founders by supporting the enemies of freedom loving people.

I know their argument is that the corporations that existed during the time of the founders were not the same as today's corporations. Turns out this is untrue. One of those same corporations still exists today.

The Hudson Bay company was incorporated by English royal charter in 1670 as The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England, trading into Hudson's Bay and functioning as the de facto government in parts of North America before European states, and later the United States, laid claim to those territories.

So yes ..... there were corporations. The only difference is that when they ruled they told the citizens where they could sell their goods and produce and conscribed men to serve in a militia or in the merchant marines. They wrote the laws the governors enforced, something like ALEC does today.

As citizens with Constitutional sovereignty why are we tolerating this travesty? We should be removing the charters of any corporations that engage in this type of behavior as they are betraying this nation.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What will it take to fix America?

Our government is not only broke it is broken. It has fallen and has splintered into millions of pieces.

One of the reasons is that those elected to office appear to have no desire to listen to the people’s concerns. Why is that? We, the average man and woman, are easy to ignore. We don’t have the money to grease the squeaky wheel so we don’t get listened to.

Would the Tea Party get the coverage and attention it has if it wasn’t used by the two most wealthy men in the world? I have heard people ask why the tea party seems to get an overly large amount of attention from the media. That is the reason ...... when our selling your soul to the corporate world you get all the attention you can handle.

Wall Street Bankers have taken over the control of the government and they buy political favors. They know by throwing massive amounts of cash into the political arena and using the threat of economic collapse they can steer many in the public to back them. And why not? They control the money, they control our pensions, and at any point they could wipe us out financially, forcing millions of us into financial ruin.

With a reckless desire to maximize profits they gambled and lost, nearly throwing this nation into another deep depression. When forcing the public to rush to the rescue to stabilize them there was no talk about taking them to task for their behavior. Quite the contrary. They are back. With our money they rebuilt their wallets and are all ready to replay the same, game since we bailed them out before.

What little was done to keep them in check they are fighting to have removed. They are confident they will succeed. After all, they have brought and paid for protection in Washington.
The vast majority of elected officials who owe them for the millions they are sitting on feel they have nothing to fear. That rabble in the streets is nothing. Wall Street holds the purse strings and looks down on the little person with scorn.