Monday, September 12, 2011

The beginning of the Tea Party

 What are the origins of the Tea Party? Where did they come from? From their platform rhetoric I am drawn to the conclusion that they are an offshoot of the Posse Comitatus, the Christian Identity (Christian Patriots).

Incorporated in Los Angeles in 1948, Wesley Swift's Church of Jesus Christ Christian was initially a racist sect which later became the Christian Identity. The central belief of the Christian Identity doctrine is in the existence of two races on earth. The first is a godly white race descended from Adam and a the second a satanic race fathered by Satan.

Swift was a Klan leader and preacher at Amy Semple McPherson's Foursquare Church in Los Angles. He was never able to make much of a success out of his doctrine, but its words attracted several people who became central to what was later called "Christian Identity": San Jacinto Capt, William Potter Gale and Richard Girnt Butler.

William Potter Gale played in the formation of Identity, the Posse Comitatus, Aryan Nations, The Committee of the States, the Unorganized Militia and all the rest of the panoply of militant white supremacy in the United States today.
In other words the Tea Party has its roots in the white supremacist movement and now has become linked with the John Birch Society. If you take a good look at the goals of the Tea Party and compare those to the Posse you can see similarities between the two.

The posse has been the force behind state militias, resistance to federal authority, tax resistance, and total removal of gun laws. The posse believes the federal government should be abolished, with each state being allowed to rule independently from the others. County law enforcement trumps federal at all times. The rise of the religious right is in total compliance with the agenda of the posse.

The posse believes in the essence of the "two seed" theory, which is that there are two races on earth: one godly and one satanic.

They believe in the organic constitution, that is - “The Constitution is a divinely inspired document in which human agency is secondary to God's will. Only the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, as signed by the founders, is the supreme Law of the Land and this law should be interpreted in the light of Biblical understanding. All later amendments, laws and regulations are "unconstitutional" in the sense that they "create a federal constitution in opposition to the original."

- The organic Constitution is God's law and the only law of the land.

- "Natural rights" come from God, not the state. The rights enumerated in the divinely inspired organic Constitution are expressions of God's laws and cannot be altered by the laws of men.

- The federal government is an "unconstitutional" tyranny and the Constitution must be "upheld" by resisting that tyranny.

- Because the 13th and 14th Amendments are unconstitutional, there are two or more classes of citizen, with only white Christian property-owning males possessing the natural rights of first class citizenship -- "sovereign citizenship." All others are "14th Amendment citizens" and possess inferior rights.

- These "sovereigns" are the only people empowered to interpret the organic Constitution as the law of the land.

I think you can see the similarities between the tea party and the posse.

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