Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Does it matter in the end?

The wealthy have the privileges. They have the nicest homes, are able to travel, and are living their lives in luxury. For the majority of the rest of us things like this are not to ever be possible. We will struggle from payday to payday. We will live on the edge, with a sheer wall on one side and a deep canyon on the other.

Many of us, even though we live hand to mouth will discover love and happiness and find contentment in raising a family and providing them a better life than we had. We know that the dream of a luxury life is just that - a dream - so we have settled for a more mundane life filled with friends and families. All we ask for is to be able to live a comfortable life.

Will the wealthy be able to say the same? They have to worry day to day, afraid that some unseen forces will destroy their world. They will be hard-pressed to find even the tiniest piece of contentment, worried that the one who professes to love them may only want their wealth.

Their offspring that have become accustomed to an easy life may not be ready to face reality. If they were to tell the truth, happiness has eluded them. All that wealth generates is the desire for more wealth - and power. They see the control of those beneath them as rewarding. Why should the middle class be so happy? It just isn’t fair.

The goal of the middle class is to one day be able to reap some of the rewards we worked for so long. Since the wealthy seem to feel that we are not even entitled to that, they want to dash the middle class dreams on the hard rocks of life to make us feel as unfilled as they do. Greed is the only constant in their life. They must have more to create more.

What the wealthy don’t see is that, come the day of reckoning, all the wealth, cars, boats, planes and fame don’t count. They will stand before the Maker and be as equal as the homeless veteran who died shivering on the street. They are not going to find a first class penthouse waiting for them. Greed is non-transferable. The worms that will consume their flesh don’t care how wealthy they were.

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