Sunday, September 18, 2011

It has been 10 Years.

Just a few short days ago we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the most devastating attacks on civilians this country has ever known.

This wasn't the first surprise act of war on this country but it was the largest loss of civilian life. Unlike Pearl Harbor, the enemy didn't have uniforms or marked planes that clearly showed who they were and no one really laid claim to being responsible. We drew the conclusion that we were attacked by Arab extremists and mounted action against them.

Before the end of the next year we were drawn into two unfunded wars which had a devastating effect on the economy. What was different was that instead of bringing the nation together and unifying us under one flag as Pearl Harbor did it instead divided us.

People asked why we had invaded a nation that had no apparent links to the attacks. They were told that they had weapons of mass destruction, but that was proven to not be true. Even 10 years later we are still torn by the loss of freedom we have experienced and by the suspicions of different segments of the nation.

Every day we witness the erosion of our freedoms under the guise of protection. We are now under suspicion and subjected to searches just to travel by air. There has been legislation passed that demands we must allow more intrusions from law enforcement divisions into our lives.

Most accepted the fact that we may need more security, but at what point do we stop quaking in our boots and make a statement that the loss of our freedom must come to a halt?

Some are demanding less government, but at the same time are supporting bills that increase the role of law enforcement, military, and government intrusion. I feel the risk of attack is far less than the loss of hard won freedoms and the tax payer dollars already spent on personnel and equipment we are told is necessary for our own good.

Stop feeding the beast of fear, stop being the victims and show the world why we at one time were a great nation ..... a nation that can overcome tragedy and not lose its strength and commitment to liberty and self reliance.

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