Friday, September 16, 2011

Slip Sliding Away

We have come a long way, but we are losing traction on the slippery slope of freedom. It is very easy for freedom to slip away just by allowing your views to blind you to reason.

Today many on the right are ready to toss freedom out the window for purely selfish reasons. What is most disconcerting is that they have no idea that in their quest to demonize some cultures and parts of our own society that they are actually harming themselves. They have tunnel vision, and want to create a world only they are part of.

They cannot see that by creating their so-called perfect world they are creating a Totalitarian state.....One that allows the government complete rule and one in which the people have no say.

We see it now in the states where one party rams though legislation without due process, thereby preventing open discussion. We observe many people cheering this reckless abandonment of democratic rule.

Their disregard for life that doesn’t fit their narrow view of the perfect world is shocking. They cannot see that once you give your government unlimited power and control they will not be ready to give it up.

The only way to maintain your freedom and liberty is to have a level playing field. Their field is created from money and greed, with no respect for the rights or feelings of others. They are like putty in the hands of those who want an unregulated world free from any rules that would prevent them from making more profit.

Those rulers are holding this nation hostage. Saying no jobs until you give us what we want, and using the narrow minded to accomplish their goals. It may be too late for the people to gain back their freedom and we have only greed to blame.

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