Tuesday, September 13, 2011


What do we think of the Republican candidates for President? We were first presented with Michelle Bachmann telling us she was the Chosen One to become President. Enter Rick Perry, claiming he is the real one for the job. Would God please put out a press release soon so we common folk know for sure?

I for one am tired of right wingers who profess their qualifications to be our God given saviors. God used to be pretty much a one man act, but seems that lately we have some false prophets, thicker than fleas on a dog.

Is it a good candidate that will pander for votes? One who uses fear, hate, bias and false claims to get elected..... is that who we want leading us? As the Native Americans once said “white man speaks with forked tongue” at least in the movies.... is that what a leader should do?

The candidates of today, while condemning entitlements, have had their hands out to take as much as they can personally grab onto. They slam big government while creating new laws which expand that same governments’ role. A man who claims to want his state to secede from the union has chosen to run for a position as the leader of that union and represent us to the world.

Frankly I feel we can do much better. Where has this view come from? Why has it become so much a national issue that we must all declare and bow before the Christian principles? I for one want my religious freedom granted to me by the founders of this country, and not in some radical view dictated by others. If those who want to lead want to do so from a pulpit let them start a church, but don’t bring your religious views into my government.

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