Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Moral Decay

In the last decade, this nation, in the eyes of the world, has reduced itself to a country with little or no moral fiber. Our leaders have taken the platform that held us above those who advocate terror and put us on the same level by allowing torture and imprisonment without legal rights.

The world has seen that the US no longer respects the fact that people are not created the same but has chosen instead to condemn those with a different culture or lifestyle as subhuman and not worthy of belonging here or of sharing the same rights we hold dear.

They see that racism has reared its ugly head once again to set the nation back almost 150 years. They are not even attempting to hide their hatred of the President for the fact that he is black. They are so adamant that they would allow the destruction of this country to have their way.

How do we put a stop to this? How do you stop the growth of cancer? You can’t reason with it, and you can’t wish it away. You have to fight it with every cell in your body. You have to remove the growth and only leave only healthy tissue.

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