Thursday, September 29, 2011

Can the middle class exist in the Corporate World Order?

What does the corporate world have in mind? What are their goals? They seem to be intent on dismantling the labor structure and destroying the gains made by the common working man, reducing them to a level that returns labor to the early 1900’s.

Why would they want this? One reason might be that they can then rebuild the world as they wish it to be without the bother of labor laws and regulations. What they view as standing in the way of more profits are things like overtime, workers compensation, vacation pay, health insurance, unemployment insurance and pensions.

Why would they begrudge workers these benefits? Simple ..... it takes away from their bottom line. They have to pay someone to administer these programs and it doesn’t add to the productivity and profit margins they want to see.

Without these programs they can further reduce the workforce that's needed. By demoralizing the workforce they can pretty much get the workers do what they want. They have been trying for decades to remove the obstructions of those pesky regulations and requirements.

The workers are being told that the corporations are unable to create jobs because of being over-taxed and over-regulated. There would be no room for those items and the creation of profits as well, so they can’t bring themselves to make a commitment to create jobs.

Now they will wait for the workforce to march on Washington to demand that concessions be given to corporations in order to get work. We have already heard what some of those demands are: the removal of the minimum wage; the removal of unions from the work place; the removal of all workplace safety regulations; removal of all environmental regulations; no restrictions on work hours; and no age limits or penalties for the use of child labor.

Corporations are a crafty bunch. They prey on the tender underbelly of labor while they undermine and poison the public view. They are placing the current economic crisis on the backs of union workers by making the public believe that, even though corporation have never done as well as they are now, unions and the government are forcing them not to hire.

The Corporations have seized on the opportunities given to them. First, they were allowed to move operations overseas to a climate of lower labor costs and lower regulations. Now they are using the crisis they have caused here in an attempt to force those same principles to be implemented here in the US.

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